Integrated logistics – how does the KANBAN system improve sales and cus-tomer service?

Managing sales and customer service in the company requires the highest quality of action at every stage. An efficient production…

Luminous and secure vehicles

Proper contour marking is key for maintaining safety on the roads. It boosts the visibility of the cars parked on…

Reflexallen: our supplier of safety critical applications

For over a year SIRIT Poland is an official distributor of hoses, safety panels and high visibility safety tapes manufactured…

The IAA Commercial Vehicles 2020 cancelled

As every year, SIRIT Poland planned to participate in the 67th IAA in Hannover. The event was cancelled due to…

SIRIT Poland vs COVID-19. We focus on solidarity and business optimisation

During the pandemic, SIRIT Poland has continued regular services for its Clients. We have not reduced the working time or…

Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail.

– Leonardo Da Vinci

Quality is the best business plan.

– John Lasseter